Hey, I’m Jen.
Here are a few facts about me, in no particular order:
- People come to me when they want clarity on their big picture and tools for feeling better.
- I used to teach neurosurgeons how to use new neurotechnology in live brain surgery (no pressure).
- I organize my books by topic. (Do you organize your books by color or size? That’s fine, we can still be friends, but I am quietly judging you. 😉 )
- Alanis Morisette is still my mothership.
- I’m a mom to a 10-year-old firecracker and a 8-year-old sweetheart. They make life crazy—I once found a piece of ham in the hat bin—but awesome.
- I’ve lived and worked in India, Scotland, and Canada, my home country.
- If we work together it will be my heartfelt honor to walk alongside you for this leg of your journey.
Professional Bio:
Jen Archibald is an Executive & Personal Coach and Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying). She specializes in professional performance, personal well-being, and career/life transitions. She is a former award-winning marketer with a dozen years of corporate experience, including eight with a Fortune 500 MedTech company. Jen has been working with clients across diverse industries for 9 years in a coaching capacity and in a clinical capacity for 2 years. She is registered with the CRPO (College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario), accredited by the ICF (International Coaches Federation), certified by CTI (The Coaches Training Institute), and trained as a Mindfulness Specialist (University of Toronto). She has an MA in Counselling Psychology (Yorkville University), a BA in Psychology (McMaster University), and a Bachelors of Commercial Studies (University of Western Ontario). Jen resides in Hamilton, Canada, and publishes periodically at www.jen-archibald.com/blog.